Opposition to ITV


/ #232

2012-08-02 23:42

So here we go again! what more is there to say AFTER SAYING ITV IS HARAAM? Tv is HARAAM. Finish and klaar. No need to discuss the issue further, you rather spend your time talking about something beneficial and halaal like ml AS desai saheb.

The enemies of islaam must be celebrating that they have the muslims dancing to their tunes, compromising their religion and abandoning the the sacred laws of islaam just as they wanted us to.

Irrespective of whether YOU believe ITV to be halaal or haraam, YOU ARE OBLIGATED TO ABSTAIN FROM IT. ALLAH'S laws don't change on account of what YOU believe and perceive to be islaam.

The shariah is crystal clear, nobody can fool anyone with regard to the ahkaam of ALLAH and HIS Rasool salallahu'AlaihiWasallam.

ITV with all its ''good intentions'' and evil doings is absolutely HARAAM... END OF THE STORY.