Opposition to ITV


/ #82 concerned01

2012-07-28 00:18

'we using a sewerage pipe to supply clean water'

Harms of television are far more than the benefits.any level minded person will agree to this.let us take a close look and see how it has damaged our society.it promotes evil in every way.let us not be oblivious of this fact just because we cant resist our own entertainment.

Let us be honest how many people only have the television to watch itv?instead of providing a better alternative for those who watch tv let the (Ulama)adopt and promote the principle of abstaing from it altogether.i used to watch alot of television and stopped, found more time for actual acts of worship.
let us not make our deen an item of entertainment, the knowledge of deen can be learnt through many other ways which are more conducive to our Shariat and which our pious predecessors used.the masaajid(mimbar), halaqaat, jumua platform.these methods have a greater impact and there was more barakah as the sacrifice was greater from the side of the learner and educator

The people of previous times didnt have all these means that are available today yet they learnt and taught deen in simple ways and it has reached us, not to forget that they were much more learned than us.
We are trying to use the same means that the people of Baatil(evil) utilize to spread their baatil.in other words we are trying to spread haq in a baatil way.the way and method of spreading haq should also be haq and not baatil.tv is governed by the people of baatil and if we adopt it is a means of learning and teaching(not entertainment) we will always have to compromise our deen to meet their standards untill we break the laws of our sharait.May Allah Ta'ala grant us the foresight in this matter and guide us too what pleases Him the most and safeguards our Imaan.Aameen