Support Israels Human Right of Self Defense.


/ #27

2012-05-01 18:48

Israel needs your help in protecting the Galilee. This includes many Christian Holly and Historical sites in the Galilee.
I need your help with raising funds; I cannot do it alone.
Help Protect the Galilee:
Israel Ranches are being attacked, their land being stolen and their passive European cattle are being mutilated and killed by local Arabs and natural predators. Israel needs desert cattle that fits its environment and can defend it's self and it's calves. That breed of cattle is Texas Longhorn. The self-sustainable project will help Israel. Help us raise $256,000, to start. A 501c 3 nonprofit # 74-3177354; Israel Longhorn Project; Robin Rosenblatt; 815 Hill St Apt 5; Belmont, Ca 94002; 650.631.9270;

This is whom the Israel Longhorn Project is helping