Hands Off Hartlebury Common

steve mccarron
The author of this petition

/ #1707 Simon mallinson

2012-04-11 22:33

We visit the common every day, and have yet to be arrested? or even censored. Put it this way. If someone jumps in your garden, you contact the police to say you have an intruder and have them removed. If they keep doing it you obtain an injunction to stop them. If they do it again you contact the police, who notify the court and a prosecution takes place.

However, if you consistentley refuse to take action, the police will quite rightley advise that their time is being wasted and the situation is not enforcable as you will not allow either a criminal prosecution subject to arrest, or the enforcement of an injunction.

The reason that worcetsrshire county council will not take us to court is because they know that....

a/ Their planning application for work to hartlebury common was fraudulent and illegal subject to false claims of ownership.

b/ Ditto, their application for funding from Natural England.

c/ The 1968 conveyance document was manufactured by a worcestershire county council employee or employees.

d/ If the council had purchased Hartlebury Common in 1968, thery should have registered it then with the land registry, this would have been compulsary.

c/ they have no other documents than other than the 1968 conveyance which is evidenced as fruadulent by at least the land registration acts registrations and the royal commission survey.

Their is more, much more which would have to be disclosed in open court but the rotten core of corruption plays their silly games of claims of ownership with the vain and ignorant and plays out this charade of belief.

Simon Mallinson might critizise my "Canard of belief" about the ownership of the common but in comparison he and his councils behaviour and assertions through the court process (If it can be called that) is like something out of Alice in Wonderland.

Simon, if you cannott wake up to reality, or choose not to, then you are the worst of public servants as are your sycophantic gullibal lackies. Therefore you are not fit for purpose and are a liar.

Steve McCarron