"Clayton Luclay Misoya" ROBBED OF VICTORY


/ #1592 get ready to destroy this hate spreading show

2012-01-13 08:47

the greedy people have decided to ignore our people's wishes and continue using our country to spread hate between africans and desplay and promote low morals on s.a. soil for money.
they take our country as the sodom and gomora of africa while they respect other countries. is it because the owners of this production companies disrespect the country's leaders,our people and our youth? they find humour when there is disrespect on this show.maybe they get some satisfaction and pleasure when our people and leaders are being insulted because we know some of them are not part of us and some of them dont regard themselves as part of us. why allow this on our soil. are we that accommodating that we allow outsiders to victimize our youngsters in our own country?