Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita
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/ #68272011-12-23 12:40To equate Bhagavad-Gitu (As it is) Krishna (Prabhupada) To Main Kampf Hitler (!) for "extremism"? Trial is appointed to December, 28th, 2011 in court over Bhagavad Gitoj As It Is about appointment to it of the status "extremist", that is about its premise in the list of extremist materials along with Main Kampf Hitler. Of what "experts" think? News inform that Gitu already forbade in Turkey in 1975 (what edition, is not specified). In India, having learnt about a possible interdiction, also have reacted differently. On the one hand, have supported Gitu in parliament, ironically speaking - «and you can forbid the Sun and the Himalayas?» After all Krishna compares Itself as well to the sun and the Himalayas. Event was discussed in news, with headings наподобии - «Tomsk wants to forbid индуизм», «Rosiija against culture of billion Indians», «Russia does not respect Gitu» and so on. The Indian parliament has broken the work and sharply expressed - «we will not allow to offend God Krishna»! Even the opinion that it is necessary to support Gitu has been expressed, recognising as its national book (India). However also the question that Gita leaves far for frameworks of one country was brought up, therefore it is not necessary to politize a theme about assignment of Gite of the status of the national book. Anyhow, event about a recognition of the book extremist has united parliament of India — even Moslems and Christians have supported that it is impossible to forbid the Holy Writ. However, position in Rossi — another, rather than in India. In India study Gitu and respect much more more, than behind borders of India. However it is necessary to notice also — In India not all have understood that there is a speech about an interdiction of Bhagavad Gity as it is. Therefore there were Russian messages (misinformation) that «As it began to eat Bhagavad-Gita with the best seller in India», however news of India inform that возрасли sales not Gity as it is, and any other Gity. Anyhow, people have paid attention to this book. Some philosophers have expressed opinion about it — if Gitu forbid — that it will be междунарожный scandal, after all it is impossible to forbid the Holy Writ, any religion. Though it is possible to accuse «кришнаитов» of murders of the priest of Russian Orthodox Church and so on, but Dvorkin's words that «though кришнаиты — vegetarians and do not kill, do not eat animals, but to kill people it is possible and it is necessary, especially if they concern breed of demons hating Krishna», do not correspond to a state of affairs, after all we know that the idea of a nonviolence, ахимсы concerns all live beings, including people. More likely the situation looks so, - as it is said by Alexander Shahov from ИСККОН that when Gita speaks about equality of soul of an animal and the person, it is reduced to недопонимания as if the person call an animal. According to Shahova, such situation very strange, after all if Gitu will make even Kampf it can lead to crash of system of values — that such well about Main and that such is bad. After all any person can open any book, see there a word "fool" or "kill and tell that there — extremism. For example, in some news have resulted comparison of citations of Prabhupada with words of other Gity, and tried to prove thus as if Prabhupada's words are more offensive, than words of usual transfer of Gity. However, let's address to Prabhupada's words about it — Prabhupada says that there are many different transfers of Gity, however they often offend Krishna by such transfers and comments, trying thus even to kill Krishna. Here it is possible even to quote Radhanatha свами, as though it criticised for communication with New Vrindavanom and murders in it of an order of 5 persons (including two devoted and their children, and also those who named Kirtanandu асуром — Sulochanu). It is clear that the situation disturbing enough, tells Radhanatha Svami:« We should love people, and use a thing, however unfortunately we often love things and we use people ». Let's pay attention to other question — that it is possible to find the general between Main Kampf Hitler and Gitoj? After all, according to Shahova, the fascism too began with it is in the beginning have begun to hate Jews, and then and have begun religious prosecutions. We see, what even in a society «кришнаитов» there are oppositions between different persons, and is unconditional, it нельяз to disregard. The principle of Shridhara the Maharaja consists that it is necessary to redirect anger with betrayed on atheists or "demons", for example such as Lenin, Marx, Kamsa, Hiranjakashipu, but not демонизировать betrayed, especially if they have spiritual names. Even with open years it is possible to understand what to name Gosvami and Svami — demons and even махадемонами is an insult. Anyway, let even so that Prabhupada told - «actually — we demons», but same does not mean that Tomsk orthodox are right, having called Prabhupada «a crafty dragon» - such last reaction of Russian Orthodox Church of Tomsk. Whence the claim against Gity undertook, and in general the criticism against Prabhupada, betrayed or let even usual krishnaitov-mjasoedov which could even kill others кришнаитов whence undertook? Between murder of animals and people it is possible to see communication directly — after all when Hitler has shot the union вегетарианцов in 1930th years, it has started to kill people on World War II — but hands of other people. But let's remember words of Nitsshe — God dances. Shridhar Mahardzh writes — if Nitsshe knew idea of Chajtani — it would be pleasant to it. But ideas of Nitsshe about Zoroastre and others sacred, superpeople as Jesus, Muhamed, the Buddha, Krishna, Chajtanja — привратно have been understood by Hitler. First, a difference between a shaktjavesha-avatar and the usual person the obvious. There is a difference between the usual person — Jesus, Muhamedom, especially — Prabhupada (a shaktjavesha-avatar of Lord Nitjanandy) and the usual person. But, it nevertheless does not mean that it is possible to offend pure betrayed, such as Prabhupada. Certainly, when atheists write that «God is not present» is is offensive. For теиста, any of a number «the Allah, Iegova, Krishna, the Buddha, the Frame, Chajtanja» and so on is God. Atheists who deny only one any religion — not so are terrible. For example, if Marx forbids only Jesus or Mojseja is not so terribly how to deny Krishna, that is Vishn — to a supershower in a fit of temper even Mojseja and Jesus. Unfortunately, business has come far — the Society of consciousness of Krishna has admitted revolution, even with blood. However Shridhar of Maharajas speaks about other. Аиндра represents these ideas more accurately - «world revolution санкиртаны, воспевания sacred names of God is necessary to us. We should restore воспевание sacred names by all means. Probably for this purpose it is necessary even to spill blood litres ». Someone will ask — and that it means — blood lyres. At all that murder of animals and people justifies first of all means. Socrat example is more pertinent — he had to die having accepted poison. In the same way and Jesus have crucified on a cross. Certainly, we сечасм will not go into details about a participle blood and a flesh of the Christ (it is probable also philosophical gamble), however Christians have accepted idea about possibility of the use of meat in food. Business has reached that such known vegetarian (more or less it to all of them was, it is the fact) — Lev Tolstoi has been separated from church. Now the church justifies Stalin's icons:« And what, he studied in a theological seminary, whether not so »? Struggled against fascists, enemies of our church... But it not the religion is a policy. Unfortunately, кшатриев it is not enough presently — as well as брахманов even less. Вайшнавов original — it is even less. Some commentators write about an interdiction of Gity that индуистом it is impossible to become, and consequently as they said there is nothing bad in an interdiction of words of Prabhupada offending not betrayed. But it does not mean that Prabhupada abused whom has got also all successively as demons. Besides, Prabhupada very much has submissively told - «actually we are all demons» - “actually all of us demons». Also what, whether it means, what Prabhupada as Prahlada the Maharaja was born in a family of demons? The father of Its Divine Favour was whom? Russian Orthodox Church has afforded Prabhupada's criticism: «he named itself(himself) my divine favour», «but you look at its mug», and to the critic of Krishna «same a demon», «you worship to a Satan» «Krishna — a devil», and «under our laws you are already separated from church». But here it is possible to remember words of usual sceptics — allow — really only Christians of Russian Orthodox Church will get to paradise or in an inner world, and the others — Catholics, Protestants and so on — in a hell? Certainly this madness. The press, news, mass-media named court process over Bhagavad Gitoj — absurd. Russia has stated a regret about that that business has come so far. India has decided to transfer the book of Bhagavad Gitu to authorities Rosii that they have not admitted relation complication between India and Rosiiej. Representative Rosii in India has declared that Rosii вобщем and could not apologise — Rosiija respects Gitu, and process was started by ignoramuses. Quite probably that thus Prabhupada действеут on subconsciousness of people, forcing to accept its words — let even joining criticism against fools. Other headings of news such - «Gita against fools». Anyhow, even индологи, it is critical concerning Prabhupada and Gite, have been revolted — though Prabhupada somewhere and it was rigidly expressed against militant atheists and asurov-demons, but after all it is impossible to offend it as it has made Russian Orthodox Church of Tomsk, having called Prabhupada «a crafty dragon». Индологи say that Ramajana and a Mahabharata — неотъемлимая a part of the Indian culture, and opposing Krishna thus Tomsk court offends feelings of Indians. Индийсцы have told - «we are amazed both in heart, and in soul». It is really serious scandal of the international level. India has addressed to Russia with a question — that they do to stop such incidents? However, has put all such difficult enough — the Kemerovo court has already found any signs of kindling break a set, humiliations of women or something something like that. We will remind that Tomsk the Russian Orthodox Church harbours malice on МОСК for murder of the priest, and they are ready in any ways опятнить Prabhupada, Krishna, Bhagavad-Gitu as it is and so on. Some news write that «Gitu already recognised эктсремистской». Anyhow, apparently, it has not got yet to the list to the dress з Main Kampf and other madly forbidden books — Tolstoy, Svedetelej Iegovy, Moslems and so on. Let's notice that in this list also there are also words «Orthodoxy or death» so probably church and is not involved to поданому to the claim. However nevertheless it is clear that the most important critics МОСК in Russia is all the same сектоведы which are connected with Russian Orthodox Church. Sect — it is possible to tell about a word that this word has been possibly introduced from the Communistic manifesto of Engels and Marx. The word sect was used against any religions, and also — in adjudications. It is possible to tell that сектоведение is thus the judicial book, and supporting often opinions of atheists, after absence of knowledge and belief their representatives. If the same сектоведы had more conscience, they would not name Krishna a demon, and have told would like as the patriarch - «we against прозелитизма кришнаитов in Rosii». But possibly politicisation of Russian Orthodox Church proceeds, and all of us go to madness. If Gitu equate Kampf to Main, ИСККОН promises to strengthen санкиртану and doctrine distribution. In India already pass events on protection of Gity As it is, and and other publishing houses/transfers also. It also causes opposition of some orthodox (a smart?-) брахманов, not accepting Prabhupada. However, it is good that the letter from Head Shirur-matha from Udupi to the aid has come. The Indian spiritual leader from Madhva-sampradai Shri Lakshmivara Tirtha Svami has told that Prabhupada transfers words of Krishna in them приемственности, and asks Russia to support attempts ИСККОН to extend consciousness of Krishna. Business is not closed yet. It is possible to tell that attempts to find extremism in consciousness of Krishna in Russia already were earlier, and and not once — not one one year ago. But clearly one — that Indians speak not about literal war or battle with animals or people — Prabhupada's demons-opponents. More likely they urge to battle to the false ego — about it wrote убийтый to day of the phenomenon of Nrisimhadeva Sulochana дас in the book «the guru business» - do not beat them, and win their philosophy. So, what means — philosophy? Prabhupada speaks — religion without philosophy — fanaticism or sentimentalism, philosophy without religion — gamble. It is clear that the consciousness of Krishna already has bloody history. How to be? But it is possible to tell that without blood possibly has not managed in one other religion. In a Torah, the Bible, the Koran as correctly speak news — it is possible to find much more extremism and to an appeal to violence than in Gite, Vedah, сикхизме, джайнизме and the Buddhism of together taken. Whether there are we a way противоставления «kind and bad God» as was at the time of Zoroastrizma and the Middle Ages, when «God — against the Satan»? Such variant also has been sounded that the war period on witches in Rosii still can begin only. From the point of view of philosophy it is possible to tell, whence it can appear. Aristotle has been accepted by Catholic church пододно to that as now Vatican accepts Darwin just as Russian Orthodox Church accepts Stalin as creating «the Third рим» («the second ватикан»). However let's look at it sceptically — it is impossible to construct also truth on blood a temple. Certainly, it is possible, but whether there are we at such level? Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati would tell that he wants to preach directly in Calcutta - найбольшем a concentration майи, illusions. But what to do to us, the usual caused souls? For many lives at us the negative karma has collected a lot of, and even прийдя in consciousness of Krishna — we bear this all with ourselves. Lenin spoke - «what to do»? But Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati though told like it — nevertheless ideas — opposite. Поэтолму Kampf is impossible риравнивать for Gitu to Main. If it occurs is there will be "explosion" of consciousness of Krishna. And then truth can be unfortunately blood. And already present. Therefore it is necessary to be able to redirect forces on санкиртану. In the satja-south it was possible to meditate millions years, but in the satja-south active resistance is necessary. And such active resistance is харинама. Unfortunately ИСККОН it often does not understand, therefore Aindra has told - «in a hell with all our distributions of books, set of our temples». After all what for all it — that repeated sacred names. Then we have understood philosophy. If we will sing and dance in this movement. Otherwise — we have not understood philosophy. So, whether degree of "the doctor of philosophy» will help with it? Or enough usual course of "philosophy" of the general educational program of any university. Most likely, it is a belief question. If such philosophy disturbs to consciousness of Krishna — that what for it is necessary. But that such consciousness of Krishna. Whether we can learn it from different индологов, сектоведов? Most likely is not present. Usually they at all have no representation about importance of books of Prabhupada. Their knowledge superficial. In the book of Shridhara the Maharaja it is written — I have understood that all these philosophers — deceivers. They speak nothing about fidelity to You, Krishna. Certainly we cannot simulate such level. Whether means that it is necessary to learn such philosophy? The philosophy should strengthen consciousness of Krishna, instead of destroy belief. It is often possible to hear — «the philosophy is water», «the philosophy has died». Others speak are a victory of philosophy. We have appeared in the philosophy centre. But in this case it should not be too much. The Vkontse-ends — it is possible to be many lives гьяни, to reach level of Shivy and its monastery. It is possible to meditate as same Shiva, to follow yoga of Patandzhali. Also not one life. But бхакти is a particular advantage of our time. Presently, in Cali-Bgu there will be a lot of the betrayed Krishna. Therefore it is possible дегко to reach it. Аиндра speaks — do not listen if someone to you tells that you cannot reach Krishna in this life. Even Adzhamila has got on Vajkunthu simply repeating Narajana, calling the son, instead of Narajanu as Vishnu. But we should not think that it is simply possible to remember during the moment Krishna, and all life it is possible to be the atheist, no. Atheists meet death terribly. Lenin apologised before a chair at the moment of death. Certainly it is possible to remember and other stories — as Jamaduty have come to the gangster, but he repeated to Jara Krishna as he was taught by the betrayed. So, consciousness of Krishna — both a difficult way, and an easy way. Easy — any can follow it — even Krishna, Krishna »can repeat Kamsa«, and to be killed Krishna. Only last atheists like the tsar of Vienna cannot remember Krishna in general in any way — and go to a hell. So, who gets and paradise and a hell? Really, Russian Orthodox Church — all in paradise, and the others — in a hell, and Krishna — the Satan??? Yes it is nonsense and it is simply ridiculous. To Jara Krishna. At all it is not necessary to speak about it. Sadhu-sangha. It is possible to communicate with the alcoholic, and it is possible — with betrayed. If someone likes to drink wine in a temple, there is an onions, garlic, and to interrupt a post — meat — for God's sake, but probably it already will be other god, not Krishna, not Chajtanja. And at all Jamaradzha as the representative of Krishna. |
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