Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita
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/ #6062 Re:2011-12-21 12:14#4661: - и что же? Кришна представлен Прабхупадой без искажений, ведь он в цепи ученической приемственности от Самого Кришны. То есть вы судите Прабхупаду, шактьявеша-аватару Господа Нитьянанды? Ну-ну.. Все равно что судить Иисуса, только намного опасней, ведь это же Веды! А как правильно здесь выразились - если не нравится перевод и трактовки - есть намного более цивилизованные способы указать на ошибки или или неточности некоторых учеников Прабхупады, но не суд же над самой книгой Прабхупады? Krishna is represented by Prabhupada without imperfections of mundane people like those Dvorkin and other similar sectologists, who are only find faults with Prabhupada's words. Prqabhupada is no other one than saktyavesha-avatara of Lord Nityananda, that means he is even more important figure than Jesus or Mohammad, because this are Vedas, which are eternal unlike other scriptures, which are mostly imperfect, especially scriptures of meat-eaters - Bible Torah Quran etc. So if you judge over Prabhupada - then you are doing even worse thing than judging Jesus. Thus you represent yourself worse than true christians. Jews are said to judge over Jesus, but they were false jews. And similarly now you atheistic orthodox christians try to judge over Prabhupada's Gita, but we know that you are past atheists. It is fact that you want to make Stalin and Lenin look like saint and icons of them. You, Russian Church have no disrimination even in politics, what to speak of Religion, dharma? Someone told here wery right - if you don't like Prabhupada's translations - then there are so many much nore civilized ways to say you don't agree. Why judge over whole book? It is Scripture which is much elder than even Torah, scriptures of Buddhism and Zoroastrianism etc. That what you are doing - putting Leo Tolstoy in same list as Hitler is very stupid, because even some Nobel prize people said - if Tolstoy was still alive - World War 1 wouldn't start. Tolstoy was much fond of Vedas and Gita etc, but Russian Church didn't like him and condemned Tolstoy. So this ended up in Stalin who wanted to make his own "third Rome" or Vatican of Moscow, but we only see than during Soviet Union time number of temples in USSR became 10 times less than it was in 1917!!! Russia Orthodox church is now politicised, and have lost all philosophy. Why do you Russian church say that Krishna is devil or satan or evil? Is it fair? How can you say that one who is doing meditation or yoga is to be considered outside church and has to ask to be forgiven for such "sin"??? Meditation and yoga is aimed on Paramatma, and Krishna is source of such Paramatma, Supersoul in everyone's heart, even of those persons like Jesus Mohammad Moses and many others. And if you are agsint some disciples of Prabhupada, Prabhupada has very little to do with this - then you should be more discriminative and do not think that PRabhupada and his disciples are same person. In this way you are illusioned like mayavadis, impersonalists and advaitis who are thinking there is no difference between one soul and another and God. Prabhupda is considered on same level as God, but this is because spiritual master is more merciful than God - when Krishna is far away in Goloka - Prabhupada and spiritual master can come and represent message of Krishna. So Prabupada or spiritual master, bona-fide one, is even more merciful than Krishna God Himself. In same way disciples of Prabhupoada are also more merciful, becasue they can help people who are more degraded to be still accepted by Prabhupada through them, but Prabhupada may be would even reject them - though usually this is quite specualtive, Prabhupada would accept anyone, but of they do not want - what he can do? If Dvorkin, so-called chrisitian, thinks that Prabhupada has demoniac pride - what can we do? Though Prabhupada said once "actually we are demons", but this means that "we are born in place of demons", but not literally that "we are asuras, enemies of Krishna". No, never, nothing like this. Just opposite. And if Dvorkin wants to show that Krishna is enemy of Buddha, it is also a cheating, and also this is not found in sikhism which he is saying "claims that Krishna is head of black demons enemies of Buddha". We see even on this website that there are sikhs who come here and say that they are sikhs, but recognize Bhagavad Gita as holy scripture. It is true - sikhs - they say that Vishnu, Hari is Supreme God. And if chrisitans jews and muslims also are of abrahamic faith - they may take idea of sikhs - there is one God, who is similar to God of Moses Jesus and Mohammad, but that God is Vishnu or Hari or Krishna. And Prahlada is also respected in sikhism - as devotee of Vishnu. So Krishna says that He is Prahlada, devotee of Vishnu - among demons. Thus Dvorkin is in deep illusion on what is waht and who is who in any kind of religion including christianity. Hare Krishna
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