Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita
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/ #31712011-12-19 05:06http://www.vaniquotes.org/wiki/Category:Rascal A devotee sometimes takes the risk of approaching nondevotee rascals even at the cost of life. The best example is your Christian religion's Lord Jesus Christ Although people declare themselves great scientists, economists, philosophers, politicians and sociologists, they are actually nothing but rascals As there are in Vrindaban some residents like monkeys and hogs, similarly there are many rascals in the name of Vaisnavas, be careful of them At the present time, especially in India, so many rascals are claiming to be incarnations, and people are being misled. Therefore, the identity of an incarnation should be confirmed by the descriptions of the sastras and by wonderful activities B Be self-sufficient so that these rascals may see that how one can live very peacefully, eating the food grains and milk, and chant Hare Krsna. This is our mission Because he is rascal, therefore he's 'ex,' excommunicated. My Guru Maharaja kicked him out, so what is the value of his word? Ex means he's executed. That's all. He's finished But I do not wish to die. Why shall I be cheerful? You rascal, you say, "Become cheerful." (laughter) "Cheerfully, you become hanged D Devotee means to become fully qualified with all the noble qualities. Devotee does not mean a rascal, at the same time, a devotee Dhira means intelligent, cool-headed, not rascal. So this very word is used, dhira. Dhira means cool-headed, not disturbed Don't take this so-called material civilization has got any value. Reject it. You see? And be prepared for going back to home, back to Godhead. That should be aim. Don't be allured by these rascal leaders E Even the Lord's criminal activities make His devotee the most fortunate person. How can a mundane rascal understand the pastimes of Krsna and judge whether He is moral or immoral? F First of all let them prove that they are sane men. They are all insane rascals. Why shall I take their words? We are taking words from Krsna, who is accepted the Supreme by all the acaryas, all the great sages First of all, you have to know who is guru. If you accept one rascal as guru, how you can be helped? From a distant place, if you see that a railway engine is coming, you'll see the light. So a rascal will say, "A light is coming." But one who knows, he will say a train is coming H How a rascal can become a professor? That is the defect of modern day education How rascal I I am pleased that you are making serious study of our Krishna philosophy, so I want that you go on like this until you will able to defeat any challenge from atheists and rascals, then your preaching work will have real potency I am traveling all over the world to see that at least one man may understand. They have spoiled the whole situation by misinterpreting, by malinterpreting, and by bringing some rascal and pose as leader. The whole world is spoiled I have heard with delight of your preaching attempts in Corsica. That is one of our businesses, to expose these rascals who are cheating and who have no spiritual asset I have protested this false God consciousness in all my purports. That is my business, to punish all these rascals I may be most fallen rascal. But if I try to reach Krsna through Radharani, then my business is successful. Therefore we should worship Radharani first. That is our business I never criticized church, mosque, never. Because whatever it may be, at least there is God consciousness. So they're good. I criticize only these rascals, disobey the commandments I say the Indians are becoming insane. By the influence of so many rascals they are becoming insane. So that has to be rectified. But insanity is prevailing all over the world, but not so much insanity as in India, that they are rejecting their own things If I had been a little liberal and called it "God conscious", all rascals would have brought, "Here is my God" If a rascal is busy, that means he's simply spoiling the energy. Just like monkey. Monkey is very busy. Of course, according to Mr. Darwin, they are coming from monkey If the kanistha-adhikari thinks that "I have become uttama-adhikari," then he's a rascal If you remain always addicted to sinful activities, how you can see God? That is not possible. You have to give up these rascal, sinful activities If you simply fix up your mind on the Lotus Feet of Krishna, the rascal mind cannot disturb you anymore If you want to preach some rascal philosophy, you do. Why you take Bhagavad-gita? That is cheating In Bhagavad-gita, therefore, it is clearly stated, in the Sixteenth Chapter, verse 17, that rascals of self-made authority, being puffed up by illegally collected money, perform yoga without following the authoritative books Intelligence is good, but over-intelligence means rascal It is document, I have to choose each word very soberly and if I have to think of management then I cannot do this. I cannot be like these rascals who present something mental concoction to cheat the public It is the Yamaraja's duty to see that these rascals who have forgotten Krsna, or God, and come here to enjoy material sense gratification, they must be punished. Because material sense gratification is always sinful It is very important that we now expose the nonsense theories of these rascal scientists who assert that life comes from matter. They say that life comes from some chemicals, but they cannot say wherefrom these chemicals have come It is very regrettable that these European and American boys who are purely Vaisnava and who follow all principles are not allowed by the rascals to enter the temple J Jesus Christ told, if I remember, that "Lord, excuse these persons," who were crucifying him. Is it not? He knew that "These rascals, they are killing me, but... They are offending certainly. So they do not know that I cannot be killed Just like I show you sometimes how to mop. So I am not a mopper, but I am showing how to mop. So our position is like that. We do not belong to any varna and asrama. But we have to show these rascals L Lord Buddha's only mission was, "Let these rascals first of all stop this animal-killing, then they'll understand further about spiritual advancement" M Many times they give me very great credit that I have done wonderful. Yes, I have done wonderful. But what is the reason? Because I am not a rascal. I speak what Krsna has spoken. That's all. Very easy Material lust is a kind of heart disease, and to cure the material heart disease of the conditioned soul, it is recommended that one should hear, but not from the impersonalist rascals My Guru Maharaja was also alone. And why not? All these rascals, why shall I call him intelligent? My Spiritual Master sometimes called me such names as fool and rascal and I remember that day always and feel transcendental pleasure My angle of vision is that throughout the whole world everyone is good and innocent, only they have been misled and corrupted by rascal leaders N Newton was a rascal. You know Newton was a rascal? Non-acceptance means... O Obstinate rascals One who remains a great fool number one before his guru, he is guru. And one who says that "I'm advanced so much that I can speak better than my guru," then he's rascal. This is the process One who says, "God is dead, there is no God," he's a rascal number one. Nothing else. Immediately take him he's a rascal number one Others rascals may be misled, but in India at least there must be an ideal class. That I want. Why India's name should be defamed? Our Indian people are sab janta (Bengali)… Yes. They are mudhas. Avajananti mamma mudhah. Mudha, they are rascals Our only business is how to implement the instruction of Krsna, the rascals may understand and be happy. That is our mission R Rascal civilization. Instead of giving protection to the cows, you are cutting the throat. Is that civilization? Rascal editors Rascal gurus Rascal means... Rascal mind Rascal missionary Rascal number one Rascals of self-made authority Rascals take shelter of man-made scriptures and try to compete with Lord Krsna. That is the greatest difficulty one encounters when trying to promote spiritual consciousness in human society Rascals, being controlled by mental speculation, make huge arrangements by which to enjoy life temporarily, but they must give up the body at the time of death, when everything is taken away by Krsna's external energy Rascals, they say that "Aurobindo is greater than Krsna" Recently, before coming here, one of my students, Syamasundara, he took me from the airport on helicopter to my temple, and he spent one thousand pounds for that rascal thing. Unnecessarily S Siksa-guru does not mean he is speaking something against the teachings of the diksa-guru. He is not a siksa guru; he is a rascal Simply rascals Simply to stop the killing of animals, Lord Buddha compassionately appeared. Some rascals put forward the theory that an animal has no soul or is something like dead stone So Dr. Radhakrishnan was a big rascal So far we are concerned, when our spiritual master used to chastise, we took it as blessing. That was very nice. And he would chastise like anything. "Damn rascal, foolish, stupid," anything, all good words So many rascals, they declare that "God, I am God." That is the last snare, Mayavada Suppose a rascal remembers Krsna at the time of death T The leaders are rascals and the followers are rascals and they're all going to hell. Nature's law is very strict The man, the man or woman, one who are very much sexually attached, he is a rascal. One should give up his company. And another rascal who is not a devotee of Krsna The more you fight with these rascals, the more you advance in Krsna consciousness. You are a fighting soldier. Krsna very much appreciates The question is that I am eternal and why I have been put into this temporary life? This is intelligent question. This is the problem. But these rascals, they have set aside this real problem The rascal leaders say it is primitive to remain on the farm, but to do business in the city and become rogue and rascal, that is advanced T cont. The rascal means the Mayavadi, karmi, jnani, yogi, all they are rascals. It is our open declaration. So we have to give up the company of these rascals The rascals say that our coming to this material world is due to the lusty desires of the father and mother; therefore the child has no meaning The rascals, they agree to die. We do not agree to die. We want to come to our original position, no more death. This is our motto There are many rascals, they say you can chant any name. Why? Why the sastra says sravanam kirtanam visnoh, chanting and hearing about Visnu, not for any other god? There are so many rascal philosophers. You also preach your own philosophy. Why do you take Bhagavad-gita? And where is nonviolence in Bhagavad-gita There is no education throughout the whole world, there is no university. So they are simply producing rascals. So my only request is that don't become rascals There must be now checking that all these rascals may not join and spoil the movement. You should not admit. They can come and go. So how it will be done unless you GBC members become very strong and with good brain? There was two fight in the Indian history. One is Rama & Ravana, and one is Kuruksetra. And the hero is Vaisnava. We are going to produce such Vaisnavas, not these dull rascals, sitting down Therefore God comes again to inform these rascals that "Now you have tried so much, better give up this, come to Me again" These atheists, they have been taught to worship the form of Lord Buddha, and Buddha is incarnation of Krsna, so one day they will be delivered. But these rascals (Mayavadis) will never be delivered These rascals are all frogs These rascals depend on the senses-sense perception. Therefore they are rascals. Imperfect sense perception they believe too much. Therefore they are rascals These rascals, they are born fools and rascals, and they are working in rascaldom. Therefore, whatever they are doing, it is defeat. Therefore this crisis has come These rascals, they are thinking that by so-called economic development, by exploiting material resources, we shall be happy. That is not possible. The best example your country has given These rascals, they think that animals are to be killed for the satisfaction of the tongue of the human being. No sense. No sense. And still they are passing on as religious heads This another rascal came, that "I am God." If you are God, so why you have become dog? They say it is lila Those rascals who do not know about Him think that Krsna is like one of us Those who have taken this movement very seriously, they should be very sober and understand at least you must expose all these rascals. That will be very much appreciated by Krsna Those who work very hard for material benefits are vimudhas, foolish rascals, because such happiness will not endure To give protection innocent citizen or animals from being injured by the rascals, the government or the king should take his sword and kill immediately. Not that general killing. You can capriciously kill anyone and give evidence Two kinds of rascals - nondevotee of Krsna and woman-hunter - reject immediately W We are offering to everyone everything that is nice: nice food, nice family life, nice music, nice philosophy, nice association. Only a rascal will not accept this gift of Krishna Consciousness We don't want that such kind of rascal God; we want God who hasn't got to work anything We don't want these Vaisnavas, sitting down rascals; we want Arjuna or we want no one We have got very simple test in Krsna consciousness movement how to distinguish between an intelligent man a rascal. As soon as we understand that he's not Krsna conscious, he's a rascal. Bas. There is no need of testing We have many experiences in the past of Mayavadi rascals who delude their followers by posing themselves as Krsna in order to enjoy rasa-lila We know Krsna is feeding. But if he's a rascal, we don't want. We don't want to feed the rascals, we want to feed the devotees We must learn all of us, to defeat these nonsense rascals, and curtail this epidemic of Impersonalism, which is fatal to the innocent people. We can stop this epidemic with this information of Krishna Consciousness, and it is our duty to do it We read some nice philosophical portion from Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam. Yes. You have got ears. (shouts:) But the rascals are not coming! That is their rascaldom. Because they will go to hell We want that you learn from Bhaktivinoda Thakura, you learn from Vyasadeva, you learn from Narada. But why you are learning from Freud, from Darwin and such rascals? Education means you should learn from a person who is authorized When people do not surrender to Krsna, they manufacture so many Krsnas. So many rascals to surrender to Why these rascals, they deny there is no God, God is dead? Because they want to continue their rascaldom without any restriction Y You are depending on this verbal root, that verbal root, and interpreting your meaning in a different way. All this is nonsense. This grammatical jugglery of words, will not save you at the time of death. You rascal, you just worship Govinda You are rascal number one. I don't want to waste my time. When you make solution of these problems, then we shall talk. Now go on researching and befool your followers that in future you'll get You are spending millions of dollars for giving up this LSD, and our power is so strong, as soon as one comes, he gives up. But you are so rascal, you do not appreciate You become guru, but you must be qualified first of all. Then you become... What is the use of producing some rascal guru? You come and preach. The country is going to hell, the human society is going to hell for misguidance. These rascal leaders, they're going to hell themselves and they're leading others Related categories This category has the following 6 related categories, out of 6 total. F [+] Fools and Rascals (27) M [+] Mischief (10) [+] Mudha (11) R [+] Rascaldom (24) [+] Rogue (12) V [+] Vagabond (2) Categories: Irresponsible | Deception |
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