Reduce the Hours Football is Played on Mabley Green


/ #1

2022-04-07 14:40

The only useful thing they've done is raise the height of the fencing. I asked for this in 2018 and was told there's no money for it. Glad they found some at last. At least it restricts the number of balls going into the road and the hazards they caused. Why on earth didn't they put the pitches in the middle, which would have helped greatly? Can I suggest people also write to Hackney Council and remind them that this is what their enforcement officers are for, as the users park in residential bays with no consequences. The wardens are scared of them, yet Hackney says they will be sending down more patrols. Unfortunately, they're not at 5pm when I can't park outside my home, but at 8am the morning after, when I've been unable to park properly and forgotten to move the car. I'm really over Mabley Green, their users and lack of consideration to residents. Our councillors don't care...

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