Right to use sign language in educational programmes

Gulhan Kamile Kutlu

/ #166 Sign Language is a MUST for the Deaf

2010-09-22 23:21

I cannot imagine learning without American Sign Langauge. Thank GOD for Ohio School for the Deaf during my time for its belief in TOTAL COMMUNICATION which meant ASL is included in all of learning.  Imagine if we learn by only speech, many of us would live in very very DARK...like Dark Age.  I knew of my classmate who was transferred from other school where she learned by only speech but she had no understanding  of what lesson was all about!!! That is very cruel. I beieve it is an abuse to her and her intelligence. Very shameful! She tried to catch up but it was rather too late. Very common to other students whom I have met.  Such a sad story I was told from each person.