The Big Bopper for The Rock & Roll Hall of Fame


/ #79 Hall of Shame

2019-12-02 04:38

How can there be a Rock and Roll Hall of Fame when one of the pioneers of true Rock and Roll is not inducted into it? The Big Bopper has always been way too undervalued by the media when the winter dance party tour is mentioned and I am tired of not hearing anything about him. This man left his wife and children to go on this freezing tour and make all of those people happy with his silly, upbeat songs and he isn't even appreciated enough to have a section dedicated to him in the Hall of Fame? It makes me sick. He never got a movie made about him, famous articles written about him or anything. I love Ritchie Valens and Buddy Holly more than anything in the world and it thaws my cold heart to see the gain in recognition they have gotten by getting inducted into the Hall of Fame, their Hollywood stars and postage stamps and such but I full heartedly believe that Hollywood should make the right decision to spread light on the life J.P lived rather than just showing him as another person who died on the famous Buddy Holly plane. The media owes it to his children and now grandchildren to let them be able to admire the work that he did and to be able to be proud of him as the Holley's and the Valenzuela's are of their lost ones through more than just personal belongings the family saved. I hope that one day the Big Bopper is inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame as he should have been a long time ago. It is way past overdue.