Hands Off Hartlebury Common


/ #1682 Re:

2011-12-10 14:04

#1681: John -

the information you need will not be held at WCC, there isn't any, the land registry documents are incomplete ie, no conveyance,no title deeds.


the secretary of state did not, give consent retropspective or otherwise, no application was ever made to that minister.

the consent, to include a supplementry from THE PLANNING INSPECTORATE, was that as long as the works were not in breach of any enactment, they would be lawful, the enclosure act has been repealed [criminal damage to the soil and plant growth] as there is no evidence that will stand up to conveyance solicitor examination, the application was false, 2006 fraud act!

as for the car park which is unlawful, it is also not covered by public liability insurance, the cattle are not lawful as they occupy commoners rights, public unimpeded access from all, points of view, the cattle are not covered by third party insurance or any lawful protection.

janet LLP.