Jeani Donovan

/ #34 Seriously!!!

2010-09-15 17:53

I wonder if  "learn by example" is every taken seriously!! I know MANY people with PITS and not one of them are these aggressive monsters that they are made out to be.I believe humans are what turn an animal aggressive and they should be the ones held accountable for an animal turning out to be aggressive. Example: Micheal Vick!! As an animal officer should you not treat each an every animal with compassion?! Do everything in your power to see if someone is looking for them? As everyone is aware we deal with shelter overcrowding and homlessness and the need for people to adopt. So here is a case that extreme measures where taken to help find an animal that ACCIDENTALLY became loose and lost. Then here comes "Einstein" who declares by "SMELL" that the dog has PARVO and needs to be put down. Seriously are you a trained vet to make such a diagnosis in which an animal is put down as a result?? Are you the same person who told my sister her cat in which she rescued was nuetered at PROVIDENCE ANIMAL SHELTER?? Later after the "surgery" and the fee was paid in full her new vet informed her that the cat was in fact NOT NUETERED. She had the same luck as Tysons friends and family did with getting in touch or someone to help her!! NONE!! When she FINALLY was able to get in touch with PAS she was given the run around and heard those famous words "the check is in the mail". Well after waiting weeks she threatened to get a lawyer and POOF the refund check appeared!! What type of people are in charge of running the shelter? What is their training or experience required to work and run a shelter?? I can say this when I was looking to rescue 2 dogs and a cat there was not ONE person at the shelter that helped us in our search. They just showed us where to enter and exit. Thankfully we found rescue agencies with educated compassionate people who truely are working for the animals. Maybe people who are "burnt out" or are not educated in their field should quit their job and let someone with better qualifications fill their positions. I can tell you something after reading Tysons story I smell something and it certainly is not PARVO!!!!!!!