Justice for Nasser Ahmed


/ #470

2016-11-18 22:26

Inna lillahi wa Inna Ilaihi Raji’un (Surely we belong to Allah and to Him shall we return).
May Almighty Allah dwell him in Jannatul Firdaus (the most beautiful paradise).

I signed this petition because I think that Nasar has been treated without care. If the school knew about his conditions why was his basic needs weren't cared of. I am shocked that Nasar himself was telling the teacher " I am not well please let me go".

Yet he still was kept behind of a "tipped bin". That's not even an excuse to keep a child in detention. I don't want anyone else to experience the same incident like Nasar because then it will mean injustice as well as suffering the most. I hope my and other people's comments will bring the Nasar's family justice.