Justice for Nasser Ahmed


/ #385 Re:

2016-11-16 19:57

#377: - Re: Re:  

Bahahahaha someone has something up their sleeves. 'Mere younger' I would laugh on here but will be respectful for Nasser.

Truth clearly offended you! I ain't apologising, and no offence taken for sure, because; A) your message clearly for all of us DID NOT make sense B) not a pupil, but nice try though! You did not even pay your respect to the deceased!!!

Open your eyes factual information came from his family NOT the media. Teachers have a bad name these days. Jobs get to their heads. So Mr/Mrs Teacher deal with the criticism.

Oh, and if you don't like the opinions on here don't come on here. This is a page for people who want justice FOR NASSER not for people who want to moan and try and justify the incompetant teacher (s) actions/conduct of the teacher in question oh and by kidding themselves. #sack the incompetent teacher (s) #justice for Nasser #teacher's cover each others back # roll on court case #no room for haters opinions and come back! #go and stew #haters can go **** themselves


R.I.P Nasser pray you get justice!