Justice for Nasser Ahmed


/ #286

2016-11-16 00:18

I am disappointed with what has happened. It is a joke, a young student is no more among us. For what, for tipping a bin over. Nasser did not deserve this at all. Even the family, as this is unfair how the school staff has dealt with the situation. He had medical conditions and staff should have been aware of nasser's conditions. He was left alone and when his heart beat has stopped, no one was present. He was alone and no blood was reaching to his brain. This is the reason his brain has led to damage, when paramedic arrived they knew he suffered and he was on a life machine. He was left alone. And thats why the school and the deputy head is responsible for it. He may have needed a cpr, may be if some one was there to assist him or something. But clearly he was left alone. If some one was there, they could have reassured him, but I blame the school and deputy head. They need punishment and nasser and family need justice.