Save Vine!


/ #526

2016-10-28 13:57

I commented because to me, vine was more than a video sight. For me, it was making friends, helping other people, help improve me. I've made a couple of friends over that amazing app, to be honest, when I heard it might shut down, I tried to hide that it didn't really bother me, but it does. I've had so many laughs, watch friendships form in the comments. It sounds weird, but I've found so many songs that can just, make me happy, animes to watch for hours on end. I feel like the vine community, I'm in the anime one (cuz I'm a weeb) was very nice, always nice things to say, people helping each other. We also can't forget the amazing memes that was made from the app. So I signed it because vine is something apart of me.