Rehouse the Woodville Road residents


/ #9

2016-07-13 06:13

This is disgusting what they have done. People have the right to live in a home which is not going to damage their or their children's health.
It is hard enough thinking about leaving a home that you have been in for years and losing all the relationships you have built with neighbours, to finally start the bidding process, which is hard enough in itself. Building hopes and dreams and thinking of better accommodation to be let down! I know my mother in law would be devastated if this had happened to her, she has been moved out of her house that she has lived in for over 30 years at the time of being told she would have to move she was devastated, upset and crying most nights. Finally she got her head round moving out and she successfully moved! I would hate to think of the trauma it would cause to her if towards the end she was told she was not able to move! These people left in this street deserve better, who knows who could let themselves in the property's that are vacant next to them. Rant over although I continue to myself and continue with my support!