#Black Arts Matter - Save The Drum


/ #239

2016-04-21 08:16

It is a crying shame that yet another arts organisation is due for closure..... More specifically the Drum.....

We have hired and attended functions at the Drum for a number of events over the years because there is no other venue like it.... Now what will we do? What will we be left with?

With the amount of waste we witness on a daily basis in terms of government spend, for projects that are neither feasible or necesaary, are we seriously being led to believe there is no way that the Drum can be saved ?! I am assuming it is a financial issue as there is no clear reasoning for closure.

The Drum provides employment, arts and entertainment, spaces for hire, exhibition space, collaborative and innovative working opportunities and relationships etc etc etc the list goes on.....

What exactly is the reason for closure? What happened to the plans for refurbishment?