Pro lingua Latina in Jyväskylä

Jouni Suonsivu

/ #72

2016-04-18 15:54

What we as individuals best can do to help University of Jyväskylä not to demolish its Latin studies is to tell about this  petition to as many appropriate people as we can do, prererably to those who realize and acknowledge the importance of our common roots in antiquity and transmitted through Latin and Greek. Please, send the link and title of this petition to your colleagues and friends both all over the civilized world and in Finland.

In the positive case University of Jyväskylä will, in front of massive public pressure from all over the world and Finland, rethink decision once made and not close down Latin studies. This helps, for its part, Finland to continue as part of civilization.

Jouni Suonsivu, signature 1351