Reinstate 1 yr Applied Ba ECCE @ Carlow IT for higher capitation


/ #26

2016-04-17 13:41

Some questions need to be answered by Government Departments with regard to this course-

1.Why was this course only given permission to run for two years -and at the end of those two years what audit did the concerned government dept.carry out to deem it unsuitable to continue on the higher capitation list, given that those who studied on it for the past two years are allowed claim higher capitation.

2. Carlow IT to my knowledge did not sign up students for this course in other counties but were looking at expressions of interest. There was sizeable interest- why, because the time frame and cost were achievable and it tapped into a vast amount of prior learning. Saying now, that it is on hold until there is standards set for Accreditation of Prior Learning is a bit late, given that this should have been set in place before any ECCE degrees were accredited( so really there is standards for APL).It is a bit like rolling out the extension to the ECCE scheme and then asking us months later to submit our availabilities.

3. Why did a personal letter from DCYA regarding this matter ,which had other recipients names included, appear on a closed social media Early Childhood educators group, posted by an administrator who among a core number of this group are vehemently opposed to this course.Who gave this person access to this letter??