#Black Arts Matter - Save The Drum


/ #152

2016-04-05 06:12

I don't want to talk about 'saving' The Drum it will be 'saved'.

As mentioned above better management and marketing is needed. Do not be afraid to call on your other community partnerships who are thriving or who have been in a similar situation to yours. Management is key here - you can all the people in the world passionate about arts but understanding the business aspect is a different matter.

Marketing - The amonut of good things I'v seen on or advertised at The Drum is crazy high but the marketing was always poor. Research, analyse your audience. Talk to your audience at shows recognise your regulars. Give them discount where possible but also don't be afraid to push your groups such as #youngdrum towards arts in the city and outside of it. 

You may be an arts centre but your not just that your a shining light to the communities of North Birmingham so be noisy and don't be afraid to risk it to bring new audiences and be real.