Help Re-open The Rock Music Bistro in Umzumbe


/ #63

2016-04-04 09:09

Um... Yar... good luck with this... my experience of durban is the excruciatingly unfortunate circumstance where the city is ruled by retarded morons with cocaine habits, who are completely out of touch with the city, as the views from their offices and the extravagant lifestyles that they lead unfortunately do not permit them to have a relationship with the reality of the city in any way, and of course being so deeply embedded in some sort of perceived upper class lifestyle, these people see no need for music or culture, unless it celebrates or serves their ministries, because being so devoid of it, they see no need to establish any cultural outlet in 'their' city. i can say all of this from the horrifyingly demented experience of having to work with durban government on durban's music and cultural scene some years ago, and i've not seen or heard of anything change in this regard... anyway, really, good luck with this, i personally think you could get more done with a rubber mallet than a petition, but my advice on this is that the middlemen are useless to you (police/lawyers/alcohol licensing people/etc) and you have to reach the well insulated people that 'run' the city - the people in the mayors office, as they have durban town in their pockets and can overrule anything at will