Free Tilikum. Empty the tanks


/ #3

2016-03-11 19:23

No animal deserves to be in a cage for life. This is pure animal abuse and action should be taken upon the many sea worlds all over. Man does not have the right to take for the wild and cage them and make them preform stupid tricks to get a fish! This is utterly disgusting. Money should mean nothing, and further action should be in place. They have kidnapped a living soul and murdered it, it front of the entire world and nothing will be done. These people are the devil. No human can honestly say they have enjoyed this road. Something must be done. We as the people that are against thia abuse will not stand back. The time is now to stand up and take charge. This can not carry on anymore. Enough was enough when Tilikum killed three people. (I actually feel nothing for them). He is just an animal, he can not talk. That does not mean he has no rights. I for one will continue this fight. For the sake of all the other poor creatures that God him self put on this earth. We will fight!!