Motion of No Confidence in UFS SRC President Lindokuhle Ntuli 2


/ #19

2016-02-27 13:09

Lindokuhle Ntuli is being used for political motives much bigger than campus, and in the process causing polarization and unnccesary tension. 

If he is truly worried about some legitimate concerns, his energy should have been focussed on finding positive solutions and encouraging progress in non violent ways that takes most of the student body with him on the journey. 

His actions and "leadership" has caused students being used by the leaders of the protest to get hurt, arrested and unneccesary costs will now cause more financial strain on the University and result in even worse conditions for poor students. 

Lindokuhle has also failed to acknowledge the real cause of many of the problems on campus, namely, DHET and Blade Nzimande. Instead he has confined his angerbto the university and its students. Probably he doesnt want to jeopordise his chances to a career in maladministration and misgovernance