Protect Human Rights from Pornography


/ #12

2016-01-30 01:45

Porn exploits human beings and objectifies and degrades them for money. It harms real people, sometimes children and animals, and damages or even destroys a user's chance at real, lasting relationships based on love, which take real work and sacrifice but are ultimately worth far more than a physical reaction. It also gives people unrealistic and harmful expactations of everything from what a "beautiful" male and female body should look like to what love and sexual intimacy "should be". Men in my generation (X) often can't be aroused by so-called "vanilla" (natural) sex with a partner anymore and must resort to masturbation & more extreme (degrading) acts in order to become aroused. Women in these relationships feel betrayed, undesirable, dirty, and replaceable. Sex is turned into an ugly and shameful thing. What about the industry which profits off the people trapped in its sick web, often because of addiction, abuse, poverty, and even slavery? It resorts to ever more outrageous, deviant, and sickening measures to titillate and sell its wares. It should be illegal in the strongest sense to profit off of the vulnerability of other people and their pain, and to knowingly and actively contribute to cultural breakdowns which ensure more of that pain and sickness for the sake of profit.