save withernsea 2nd fire appliance

Watch My Words !

/ #45 Save Withernsea Fire Appliance

2016-01-21 22:21

Why does the town have to wait while a life is lost . For more fires to start . To be called out to more incidents ! Just because the town and surrounding areas are careful at the minute and don't use the fire service, doesn't mean we Have to lose an appliance. 

How come the fire service approved the new extension at the station and then recommended the pumps be reduced ? 

Withernsea is also within miles of a Major Gas installation who would no doubt be 1st on the scene if anything occurred , the installation is also patrolled 24/7 by armed MOD gaurds. Some thing which the government recommended to protect, I'm sure the government wouldnt want to see the loss of a fire appliance protecting this installation ! 

We have paid for 2 appliances via council tax for years . Have we complained ? No ! Because it is a life saving service . 

Watch my words . Cut the appliance to 1 and you will regret it in time. Surely prevention is cheaper then the cure ?