PETITION: We the people of South Africa want Jacob Zuma to step down


/ #3521

2015-12-14 11:25

I believe in a country where people of all races, creeds and religion can work together to create a country better than what we had, for all. People like Mandela believed we could do better and brought about what was hailed as a miracle with grace, tolerance and love for his rainbow nation. Zuma seems not to grasp that public office means you put your interest behind those of the people of this country and instead enriches himself at the cost of "his people". We are plagued by crime, economical instability, poverty,unemployment while he giggles his way through it all. Corruption is at a all time high and how can you expect people lower down the food chain to understand corruption is wrong when our own President participates on such a large scale, flaunts the law and make decision like a dictator? This has nothing to do with black and white, DA versus ANC -it is about one man taking advantage of the trust given to him by a Nation and he should be replaced by the governing party with someone responsible, honourable, honest and with impeccable integrity.No, South Africa, we deserve better and our children definitely deserve better.