PETITION: We the people of South Africa want Jacob Zuma to step down


/ #1123

2015-12-11 13:40

Because I believe he is and never was any good to any true South African. People are poorer less work. He is a selfish pig who doesn't care about the people he is supposed to be of service to his country not fill him and wives' pocket to enrish himself, this government is so corrupt many millions of money disapear. He take money that could have gone to the poor and just have expensive planes and overseas trips etc. Better miantenace of hospitals, sewerage, electricity etc the list goes on and on he needs to be TAKEN of with force if need to be. Our country was good and healthy but this last few years everything went downhill. Our financial state and crime state is so shocking no one wants to invest in SA anymore beause they KNOW Zuma is going to let the money just disappear in HIS selfish pocket. Get him out the sooner the better he is an uneducated dumb pig who wasn't even supposed to be a president in the first place!!!