Colorado State Board of Education


/ #16

2015-11-17 16:59

Students, especially those who, for a variety of reasons, were not successful in traditional high school, need more than one avenue for completing their high school equivalency. One test does not meet all students' needs. As an adult educator in Colorado, I see many students struggle to 'pass the GED test'. Quite frankly, some of them never will; they do not have the aptitude to do so. That is not being unkind---it is reality. Many current high school seniors cannot pass this test.
Giving another option, that clearly tests basic skills in math, history, reading, science and writing could open up doors for these particular individuals that were never open before. Perhaps all they need is a job....not a career. There is nothing wrong with simply getting a job.
So other choices of testing, ones that are not as rigorous as the GED testing service test, would be great options for them to actually succeed. Thank you.