Darkness Falls the Crusade


/ #28 Would gladly pay

2015-11-06 16:21

Jozh/Brenk/Notram/Valik/Silo/Xilo here (yea I was addicted lol)


I miss DFC, and DF1 was an amazing game as well. I'd gladly pay to play this game again, with little to no thought involved in it. I'd happily pay upwards of $25/month per account, and not bat an eye doin it. 


HOWEVER - FTP would be an absolutely horrible idea. People of all backgrounds would come to this game, and as most will have good intentions, I fear some will not. If they aren't paying for their account, they'll have little to no regard for the server, or the games overall quality. They'll tarnish is, and I'd hate to go over 10 years begging to have this game back, all to have it destroyed by some punk.


Jozh - Wykron's Hammer - Zombie King - Level 65