Bring Back our Coast Guard Communication Centers


/ #16

2015-10-31 01:15

Both my sons work in the fishing industry. One as a guide and one as a commercial fisherman. My husband works as a logger and leaves to camp
From Campbell river or port McNeil by boat every two weeks. I value their lives And need to know they are as safe as possible! Don't sacrifice any more lives for $$$$$$!!!! Area , people, workers, tourists , everyone deserves equal Safety .  As someone mentioned tne recent tragedy in tofino is a prime example of what can happen so quickly!   I apprecaite all the help the community supported and I know they too saved lives . However coast Gaurd knows best !!!! These people are trained for this. Lets not send plumbers to do an electricians job ;). No dis Respect meant!  I value all the help...but we have to be united!