Jean Bacardi
The author of this petition

/ #170 Re: unbelievable

2015-10-29 05:10

#169: - unbelievable 

Yes, Google is always my source for validated facts and information! Ha. Why don't you look up the Nineteenth Circuit Court decsion of 3/25/14 and see that the village's finding of vicious was overturned? No authority has found Heidi vicious.

The couple of people writing the vicious comments- i.e., you and 'BS Detector', are obviously haters of us and of dogs. For some insidious reason you want to 'get back' at us through advocating death to our dog.  Who are you to determine that Heidi must die? How arrogant and evil you are. You must be a couple of sad souls.  Do you lurk around in other people's lives as well, advocating harm to them, or are we just the unfortunate recipients of your misplaced wrath?