Keep the Angelus


/ #40

2015-10-21 11:18

I signed because I am a Catholic Christian and I appreciate the reminder to stop what I'm doing and direct my thoughts to heavenly things at least once a day. I signed because I can see how RTE find it impossible to promote abortion and other perversions of nature - whilst sounding out the life affirming Angelus gong. The Angelus is the short story of life affirmation - despite all adversities. I would rather do without RTE than support their culture of death. AMEN

And after reading some of the other comments just now, I think the folloing clarification is neeeded. There was a time in Ireland where only the gentry posessed a time piece of their very own. Therefore the men, women and children working the land had no idea what time of day it was (especially if it was cloudy or raining) The Churches rang the bells at 12.00 noon which reminded the people it was time for a break and a meal ALONG WITH reminding them that there's more to life than work and to direct our thoughts to our maker and HIS works. The same applied at 18.00 oclock where we were reminded it was tea-time and maybe time for supper. Children could be directed to come home after one or the other bell soundings and so on....