Save our Cape Town


/ #326 Let's Save SA !

2015-05-18 11:29

Our children deserve a better future; a safe world filled with love, peace and for all hope to be restored. Save our beautiful country and the human race!  

Love conquers everything, let's save our world!  

We are going down a path which will eventually lead to war and extinction of the human race, unless we make a difference by standing together to take our world back.  

Nothing divides us. Not religion, not race, not gender, not age, not class.   We were made to believe it divides us. That its right to go against and hurt anything or anyone we are not. Brain washed in a way.  

We go about our daily routines - ignoring reality. To afraid to do anything. Some to selfish, thinking its not their problem. The majority hoping and praying.   Not our fault. Its SURVIVAL. Animal instinct. We are human.   I do know we all have one thing in common and that is FEAR. Protection of ourselves and loved ones is our main priority.  

We are hurting ourselves, by hurting others. Look at the bigger picture. The time is NOW! Let's stand together.  

Education, insight, understanding is what we need. We need to empower ourselves and others.  

I call on all of you. Let us use our natural talents, expertise learnt, trades. Any ideas. If you choose to pray, do so. But do something. Combined we are bigger than anything and anyone.  

Save our beautiful land, our beautiful race (human race).  

- CeeCee