Hands Off Hartlebury Common

Steve McCarron

/ #1514 flotsam

2011-09-19 11:06

"Reason for removal: I'm not frustrated. I'm happy to see the cattle. I'm not the person who posted politely either.

Who knows who you are?

Im the one who called carol a stupid cow as I think she's fickle.

Do you call that a measured response?

The facts are you objected to the work and wcc have carried on regardless of your pathetic campaign.

Quite a good campaign actually

That's my proof of ownership.

Glad its good enough for you, they will take your garden next then.

They listened to you realised what a clown you were and carried on.

Who HAVE they listened to?

End of.

You make me laugh with the comments. You can do nothing about it."

Cannott stop you laughing, have you been to a doctor