Keep 19 Kids and Counting on TLC!

In God's Service...Blessings to Jesus name, Amen

/ #2691

2014-11-22 21:12

Why do Christian Values seem so overwhelming and threatening to those non-believers. Christianity is in fact is what this entire country was and still should be founded on. This Christian family show serves to reinforce healthy christian family values, that have nearly been destroyed completely. Replaced with (LGBT community pride) personal pride, envy, greed, unnecessary death and war. God Bless America, the Duggars and what they represent to us American Christians.

Some of us should try reading the Bible, GOD's true word.  Like Leviticus 18:22, 20:13, I could go on...despite everything GOD'S word is all we christains really work hard daily to live by as well as always trying to be in service to our Lord and Savior, JESUS CHRIST.

Remember that GOD always gives us choices!!!

So with that said feel free to change the channel if you're not interested.  I find it quite easy to use my own power of discretion. I change channels all the time when I disagree wth values on a show. Shows like Modern Family, The McCarthy's, 2 1/2 men and any other shows that having an underlying message of homosexual acceptance, pre-marital sex, emphasizing pride, greed... I have no problem just changing the channel. I don't go after the network or the actors. It's not what I believe in so I just change the channel and pray, pray, pray. Simple HUH?