Keep 19 Kids and Counting on TLC!


/ #2359

2014-11-21 19:11

This family is living true to the Christian way of life. It is their belief and their opinions according to the Holy Bible. They just like any other NON believer out there have a right to say what they believe. I am a Christian and believe in living a life according to the bible I do however have my own opinion on many things that "go against" the word. I think that there are too many chiefs and not enough Indians anymore and that we need to put "God back where he belongs" In school (then there would be less need of prisons, Work, (then there would be less people stabbing others in the back), and in our homes, (Saying "I Do" these days is like saying "Use Me!" Too many people get married to the first one that asks and there is no thought in any of the situations of compatibility or even do we really want to be with this person for the rest of our lives or just a bump in the road). Family is everything to me and I would be lost without them but my family has their own problems but had I been raised as a "Duggars" I would stand proud of such, honest, loving, giving parents that are teaching Great!! Morals to their children and those that don't agree are just entitled to your opinion but that doesn't mean They should be banned. Anything good on TV is cancelled and only Crap is put in its place anymore. Shut off the TV's go outside be a part of your children's lives and stop judging those that don't live up to your expectations. If we were all the same, what a boring world we would live in. Yea to the Duggars, and anyone else that dares to live to be different and not be afraid to show it. God Bless us ALL AMEN!