
/ #61

2014-10-19 11:42

These people are scared of Mthwakazi's nation thus why Disgrace Mugabe talks like this. She is an embarrassment in Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe used to be one of the leading countries in education; their degrees valued and respected world wide; now its like a week's induction course, given free in exchange of a few dollars. Some of us we can show in public our entire thesis that made us to qualify for our Degrees! She lakes moral judgement, from snatching someone's husband to buying of a PhD. Shame. When you live in a glass house you don't throw stones. Our Fathers worked in South African long before Rhodesia because we share the same culture with were descended. Our brothers and sisters working in South Africa doing those menial jobs she referred to, came back home built their bountiful homes Emakhaya. For example, go to Tsholotsho and Plum tree and see for yourself what the type of imizi abayakhile, compare with eyabo emashoneni and see the difference. She must leave us alone and enjoy i pension ka Sugar Mkhulu, sugar Daddy Mugabe!!

 We are proud to be Ndebeles !!!