
/ #129

2014-10-02 02:42

A proposal to turn the WVSC into high density housing is totally unacceptable for a number of reasons. First, the added traffic impact will add serious pressure on our streets, which are already at capacity. Second, our infrastructure, parks, schools, and other amenities of the Woodbridge community would be adversely impacted and would negatively effect our property values, and most importantly, our quality of life. Finally, the City of Irvine needs to stop adding more high density housing in the City and allowing industrial and other commercial zoning to be rezoned to high density residential uses. Our planned community was a model for the rest of the country when it was initially drawn up out in the 70's. The current transformation is inconsistent with this global master plan. Any of us that drive the major streets in Irvine, especially along Jamboree, Alton, and Barranca during peak periods can see that these arterials are jammed with bumper to bumper traffic. Many of us believe that this traffic has been negatively impacted by the rezoning permitted by the City of Irvine along the Jamboree corridor. THE CITIZENS OF IRVINE DEMAND THAT OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS STOP ALLOWING HIGH DENSITY HOUSING IN IRVINE. Respectfully submitted, Frank J. Haffner and Nancy Haffner