save tiverton road baths .


/ #11

2014-09-29 10:50

Well done! I have been e-mailing labour councillors re preserving Tiverton along the lines of a Weelbeing centre,stressing the needs (of a warm quiet pool) of people with L.T. illness/conditions that benefit from gentle exercise (like me!) and asking them to answer my Q: ie: "How will you ensure my needs are catered for with the new arrangements/proposals?" So far I have had NO RESPONSES from anyone despite going to great lengths to suggest ideas for developing the current (over-50s) provision! So I have now sent copies of my e-mails and proposals to the new Champion for Health& wellbeing (Dr Ewan Hamnett /Emnett(???) at his Harborne GP Practice! As a lifelong Labour voter, I find the deafening silence on this issue not only disappointing but pretty rude,to say the least! RSVP :any meetings?