No solar farm in our bit of England (Stanford on Soar and Normanton on Soar)


/ #30

2014-08-27 09:55

You only have to read the comments to understand the concerns  -  I am fully in favour with green energy but, there is a "right" place for everything & this is not it.  There is already a large installation on the Wymeswold airfield site which must surely be classed as brownfield & certainly NOT as valuable land as the proposed site  - as one or two comments pointed out, this is "Big Business UK" in partnership with Landowners, attempting to ride roughshod over small communities when there are clearly more appropriate areas to place this type of development - the alternative areas may NOT be greenfield & may NOT be as easily developed but they WILL have less impact on communities & wildlife & be far less of an ugly BLOT on the landscape for all to see.    Why not develop this encircling the landowner's property if they are so keen that it should go ahead, surely that would be an alternative site for this ugly mess, the two sites then would be comparable at least ?   Greed can be SO harmful & can eliminate any sense of responsibility to others which is EXACTLY what is being shown here with this proposal.