Save RHS


/ #51

2014-08-20 14:38

The rotation schedule helps allow for getting more required classes as well as arts and music classes into student schedules without keeping them in school all day. This is important because Renaissance students come from all over the city, meaning some have very long daily commutes. Many need to be employed to help our their families and prepare for college. And it also allows time for extra-curricular activities such as arts and sports after school that have been empirically proven to positively shape young minds and bodies. It is also important to remember that keeping up the rigorous academic standards of RHS requires quite a bit of homework (and we have never had study hall as part of the school day.) I cannot tell you how integral my education at RHS was to my further academic studies and later career. It was an important scaffolding for things that were to come. Children in Detroit currently are denied so much. Please keep this beacon of hope intact.