CBS Railway Bed


/ #88

2014-08-08 22:00

I haven't used the rail bed, but it should not have been closed! I live on the south side of the CBS highway, and I can't even go in the road to get to the woods! You know the town of CBS has NO official policy I can find to allow ATVs OR ban them. I've looked and can't find anything written down. I've written to the town and they point me to this act: , which I believe bans ATVs on provincial roads, but this act: , gives council the authority to allow it. ATV's can drive on the town roads of Garnish and you can drive on the side of the road in Gander to access thier trails. I've been in contact with both municipalites to confirm this. There's no reason why we couldn't have a 'premit' system in place in CBS. I'm certain there would be a great number of ATV owners who would sign up. The problem with most government members is the 'old school' mentality. What some people don't realize is the machines we have today are a far cry from the old 3 wheelers of yesterday! Some are even more expensive than some new cars! It's unfortunate when an operator is severely injured or killed, but it happens to motorists everyday, yet the news is not all over those stories! I say the government should step in and either let us use them or ban them in the province all together; but we have to br reimbursed for the full value of the machine, regardless of condition! I read a 2005 article from CBC which stated at the time there were 40000 registered ATVs in the province. That adds up to a fine chunk of change!