Reinstate Coach Fader


/ #34

2014-07-28 08:13

Tim Fader is a man of integrity,kindness,and decency that those who have worked or wrestled for or with him have been and continue to be deeply touched by.That this nest of vipers (UWW ADMIN)could stand in judgement of this loved and respected icon of college wrestling makes me want to throw up.Tim Fader represents what is good about college athletics.The scapegoating of this wonderful man that so many of the wrestling community love makes me and many others very very angry and sad.However it is a very affecting situation for the Fader Family and at the end of all this they are the ones who are harmed by the actions of of another ego freak head of a state school who should be pumpin gas at kwik trip,not having any power of any sort over one of the great college coaches in any sport to come down the pike in the past 25 years.David Rudrud