Hold Solihull MBC Accountable For Abuse of Power & Corruption


/ #45

2014-07-24 20:09

My disabled son is a pawn in the hands of the London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham who legally kidnapped him based on instructions given to the Social Worker by her superiors to steal all of my disabled son's assets I had won on his behalf, a clinical negligence legal case awarded him lifetime compensation as he disabled due to Doctors negligence. He then was thrown out of school due to education funding costs as soon as his clinical negligence compensation began. I then take the matter to the Education Tribunal and while this was pending case, Social Services came to remove him from me on very dubious lies and got away with it. But now that my son is legally thrown in residential care, he has since been seriously abused physically three times. When I ask Police for his immediate Protection, the matter is always swept under the carpet and as a result my Contacts are suspended with my son. Once he reaches 18 years of age, this November, I have already been told that they do not intend to return him to me and will continue depriving him of his liberty, confining him to a life in State Care. This is what happens to real fighters for the rights of disabled people and their families.