Save Orleans Riverside from Development


/ #37

2014-07-01 13:21

I like the idea of the Gloriana having a permanent home but not at this site. Orleans Gardens and playground is a peaceful oasis used by most of the residents in this borough young and old.Planning support talked to me about this proposal encouraging tourists to come to this part of the borough,but surely the needs of your Residents ,your Voters should take priority.
There are Memorial benches in situe around the site too, chosen by Residents for their loved ones because it is a spot that holds wonderful memories .Indeed my mothers bench was erected last month in Orleans Gardens, and nobody on the Council mentioned to me that this site was to be altered.
The secrecy that surrounds this idea is truly disgraceful and displays the regard in which some Councillors hold Richmond Residents. The timing couldn't be worse either as so many of us are away over August..but maybe that was done on purpose.