Say no to alcohol next to Southern Cross Campus


/ #82

2014-06-17 20:21

Alcohol sale in front of a school is a receipe for social/health disasters. I am appalled that yet another liquor store is planned to be opened in Mangere. How many do we have in the south of Auckland.? How many more do we need to add to all health and social ills caused by alcohol. Tired of it. Many are making big bucks out of the misery of many families. These stores are run by a particular ethnic group who do not have a moral duty to care about our vulnerable community members but only the colour of more monies they can make. They are very selfish and against a sense of belonging and pride in the community. Half of them may not even live in the area they want to help destroy. Are these owners not aware of the last report by the Glen Inqury on domestic violence. Car accidents. Driving while drunk. Murders. Health problems. All these cost monies to us tax payers and ratepayers. Some of those costs could be chanelled towards other more positive community led projects and work  I am totally against the opening of another lethal outfit.