Rectify an unjust situation regarding the name of a boy in Quebec


/ #16

2014-06-10 16:22

I keep getting emails about this petition. I do have a son born in Quebec and his family name finishes in V. I also know many boys born in Quebec from Bulgarian parents in recent years and months and NONE of them has a family name finishing in A when the father's name is finishing in V. You should probably give more details about this case because I guess an error was made when filling the application for a birth certificate. If the boy has a Bulgarian father there is no way the father's name to be modified and the boy WILL have the V finishing name unless the mother wants her family name for the boy and then the problem will arise. Sorry, but I do not see a problem. There never has been such problem in Quebec with boys. The problem could come with a girl taking her father's name where she has to have a name finishing in V. Many girls' family names here finish in V and to my understanding the parents do not mind. Check first what you have done when filling the application for the birth certificate before making crazy all the North American Bulgarian community with useless petitions.