Remove TJ Brown from his position of authority

Disappointed in you as well

/ #149 Re: 147

2014-04-25 22:00

#147: Disappointed -

Yep, you can thank little boy blue (Josh) and the puppeteer (Kovac) for spreading all the B.S.  So sure vote for Kovac if you want to see another department ran into the ground and under a Federal Decree. This should never have been put out to the public. It had already been handled internaly but the puppeteer and little boy blue didn't like the outcome so here we are. If you think the person that will run against Kovac will let all these skeletons just die away your wrong. A track record is a track record. Just wait until the Feds get invovled and bring to light the corruption Kovac has been spearheading. I'm thinking you supporters of Kovac can send him some soap on a rope and a few packs of smokes to ward off the butt bandits.  That way no one will have to vote for or against him in a election. It's a win win for everyone.